MAY 26., 2024 – 7pm // JAZZTERRACE 2024: MANTRA & JAZZ

– opening concert –


The first concert of the jazzterrace opens the Posticum‘s 25th anniversary year!

start: 19:00 || admission: donation

The program coincides with the last international sesshine (retreat) of Swiss Jesuit monk and Zen master Niklaus Brantschen. The Program is a big meeting. Sacred texts and ancient melodies meet jazz and the improvisations of the Zurich dancer Marianne Kaiser. As a farewell, we can hear some personal tips from Zen master Niklaus Brantschen: about meeting, arriving, and living life to the fullest.

The Jazz concerts on the Posticum terrace are with free entrance – Instead, we suggest our guests to make a donation of 25 RON for the social case of the teenager Vivien Kiraly (

Primul concert al terasei de jazz de vară deschide anul de 25 de ani de la Posticum. Programul coincide cu ultima ședință internațională (retragere) a călugărului iezuit elvețian și a maestrului zen Niklaus Brantschen. Programul este o mare întâlnire. Textele sacre și melodiile străvechi se întâlnesc cu jazz-ul și improvizațiile dansatoarei din Zurich Marianne Kaiser. Drept rămas bun, putem auzi câteva sfaturi personale de la maestrul zen Niklaus Brantschen: despre întâlnirea, sosirea și trăirea la maximum a vieții.

Concertele de Jazz pe terasa Posticum sunt gratuite – În schimb, sugerăm oaspeților noștri să facă o donație de 25 RON pentru cazului social al adolescentei Vivien Kiraly (

A nyári jazzterasz első koncertje nyitja meg a Posticum 25. jubileumi évét. A Program egybeesik Niklaus Brantschen svájci jezsuita szerzetes és zen mester utolsó nemzetközi sesshinével (elvonulás). A Program egy nagy találkozás. A szent szövegek és az ősi dallamok találkoznak a dzsesszel és Marianne Kaiser zürichi táncművésznő impovizációival. Búcsúzásul néhány személyes tippet hallhatunk Niklaus Brantschen zen mestertől: találkozásról, megérkezésről, a teljes életről.

A Posticum Jazzterasz koncertek ingyenesek. 25 lejes adományával Király Vivien súlyos műtétjét támogathatja  (

see you soon!!

Szerző: artur | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta

October 13. – 6pm // RESTAURANT EGALITAS


Din cauze organizatorice se reprogrameaza evenimentul pentru data de

13. OCTOMBRIE 2023, ora 18:00!!

start: 18:00

Vă rugăm să vă înscrieți folosind acest formular:
Kérjük, regisztráljon ezen az űrlapon:

– pogácsa / pogăcele
– Sztroganoff borjú bélszín laskás tésztával / mușchi de vițel stroganoff cu tăiței
– desszert: gyümölcstorta / tort cu fructe

Our project motto:
,,Helping each other is one of the strongest bonds that holds a community together. All the support that goes to our fellow human beings serves society as a whole. ”
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, member of the board of trustees)

The project is a seasonal restaurant run by the target group with the help of a head chef and a professional mentor. This restaurant is the only place in Oradea where young adults with several disabilities , e.g.Down syndrome cook and serve.
For those who are open to meeting the “hosts” of the project, people with disabilities will be able to see the faces and destinies behind the abstract concepts.

To the announced dates, please make your tablereservetion before joining the program.
Registration and table reservation are required for the specified times. Groups that book accommodation in the guest house can request the services of Restaurant Egalitas based on forecast and consultation.

Motoul proiectului nostru:
”A oferi ajutor este unul din lianții cei mai puternici care țin împreună o comunitate. Orice ajutor direcționat spre semenii noștri, servește întreaga societate.”
(Zsugán G. Hidber Gyula, Posticum, membru curatoriu)
Proiectul este un restaurant temporar, condus de grupul beneficiar cu ajutorul unui bucătar șef și al unui mentor profesionist. Cei care sunt deschiși să se familiarizeze cu „gazdele” proiectului vor fi surprinși să întâlnească chipurile și să cunoască poveștile unice din spatele conceptelor abstracte.
Pentru datele anunțate vă rugăm să înscrieți și să rezervați o masă în prealabil. Grupurile care rezervă cazare în pensiune pot solicita serviciile Restaurantului Egalitas pe baza unei consultații cu orgqanizatorul programului.

Sajátos igényű – fogyatékkal élő – felnőttek főznek és szolgálnak fel. Mottónk:
„A segítségnyújtás az egyik legerősebb kötelék, ami egy közösséget összetart. Minden olyan a támogatás, amely embertársainkra irányul, a társadalom egészét szolgálja.”
(Zsugán G. Hidber Gyula, Posticum, kuratóriumi tag)
A projekt egy időszakos étterem. Akik nyitottak, hogy a projekt „vendéglátóival“ találkozzanak, azok számára láthatóvá válnak a fogyatékkal élők, arcok és sorsok jelennek meg az elvont fogalmak mögött.
A megadott időpontokra bejelentkezés és asztalfoglalás szükséges. Csoportok, akik a vendégházban foglalnak szállást, előrejelzés és egyeztetés alapján igényelhetik az Egalitas Vendéglő szolgáltatásait.

Szerző: artur | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta

October 01. – 5pm // Concert Cameral

Duminică, 1. Octombrie 2023,  ora 17:00

Andreea Emanuela Tinca (pian)   &   Paula Gherasim (Violina)


L. v. Beethoven, Sonata pentru pian opus 109
J. Brahms, Sonata pentru vioara si pian nr 2, in la major, opus 100
Fr. Liszt, Studiul Transcendental pentru pian „Chasse – Neige”, nr 12
S. Prokofiev, Sonata nr 6, pentru pian, partea a 4-a

Intrarea liberă!

Andreea Emanuela Tinca este absolventă a Academiei Naționale de Muzică “Gheorghe Dima” din Cluj, unde a studiat pianul, și a Universității Naționale de Muzică București, unde a absolvit studii de Master (pian). A participat la concursuri naționale și internaționale, fiind laureată a Concursului Internațional de Pian „Pro Piano-România”, ediția 2021, și a Concursului Internațional de Muzică Moscova, ediția 2021. A susținut recitaluri la București, Cluj, Satu Mare, Oradea, Timișoara, Tecuci, Arad, Lugoj, Reșița, Partoș, Carei, Sinaia, Câmpina, Szeged, etc. În 2015 a obținut o bursă la “Musik und Kunst Privaat Universität der Stadt” din Viena, la clasa profesorului Karl Barth. De asemenea, a avut apariții în emisiuni TV și Radio. In prezent urmeaza un doctorat in muzica.

Violonista Paula Gherasim este absolventă a Universității Naționale de Muzică București iar în prezent este doctorandă în cadrul Școlii Doctorale de Muzică din Timișoara, fiind si membră a Filarmonicii de Stat Sibiu. A participat la concerte în Italia, Grecia, Germania, Slovacia și Bulgaria și a avut ocazia de a performa alături de dirijori precum Cristian Mandeal, Alessandro Crudele, David Crescenzi, etc.

Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Szerző: artur | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta

September 30. – 3pm // FACE TO FACE – »Where to, Noah, for humanity?«

Saturday September 30., 3pm

„Where to, Noa, for humanity?“

Who are we? Do we have a responsibility in this uncertain time? Like Noah, Posticum is looking for possible answers.
Brainstorming for the asociation Posticum.

„Wohin, Noa, für die Menschheit?“
Wer sind wir? Welche sind unsere Aufgaben in diesen turbulenten Zeiten? Posticum sucht – genau wie die Arche Noah – mögliche Antworten.
Diskussionsrunde, Ideenbörse für das Posticum.

„Merre, Noé, az emberiségért?“
Kik vagyuk? Van-e felelősségünk ebben a bizonytalan időben? Noéhoz hasonlóan a Posticum is keresi a lehetséges válaszokat.
beszélgetés, ötletbörze a Posticumban/ért.

„In ce directie acum, Noa, pentru omenire?
Cine suntem noi? Avem o responsabilitate în această perioadă incertă? La fel ca Noe, Posticum caută posibile răspunsuri.
Discutie, brainstorming pentru Posticum.

Szerző: artur | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta

September 24. – 7pm // Platon Karataev duo

Platon Karataev duo

Named after a Leo Tolstoy character, was formed in 2016. With their music, the Hungarian indie quartet wanders around the core of existence, seeking answers through paradoxes, contemplating on questions by observing elements on an atomic level or viewing them from an astronomical perspective. After For Her’s (2017) instant success the band gradually moved away from their acoustic sound to a more broader one. Atoms (2020), with a heavier instrumentation, focuses on speaking about the most universal but on the most personal level with catharsis being a key element of the album.

This time, the songs will be performed as a duo, with songs from the new album alongside previous compositions, and a glimpse of the fourth album in the making.

start: 19:00 // free entry!!

register HERE!

Szerző: artur | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta


Monday, August 14. 2023,  at Posticums aula magna: 6pm

Recital night: ANDREEA TINCA

Graduate of the National Academy of Music „Gh. Dima” from Cluj and the National University of Music from Bucharest, pianist Andreea Tinca gave numerous solo and chamber recitals in most cities of the country. In 2015, she was admitted to „Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt” in Vienna, in the class of Prof. Karl Barth, through a scholarship. She also made recordings in TV and Radio shows.

admission is free, see you monday evening!
Szerző: artur | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta

Szakcsi Jr Renaissance

August 05.
Szakcsi Jr Renaissance

Szakcsi Jr. (Piano), Claudia Castagno (Vocals), Varga Balázs (Guitar), Torma Rudolf (Bass), Fazekas Tamás (Drums)

The formation plays modern jazz in a popular form while maintaining the harmonious world of demanding jazz. This is fusion music, which places great emphasis on dynamics. Their repertoire gives a taste of different eras of jazz, but you can also hear romantic and modern themes of classical music. The formation is based on the singing voice, which is not performed as a song, but as an instrument.

Renaissance Band (online Video/FB)

See you soon!!

Szerző: artur | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta


July 21.

Special guests from Bucharest:

Cristian Copaciu (guitar), Condrea Ovidiu (drums), Vlady Sateanu (bass), Joco Orosz-Pall (keys)

Young, talented and driven guitarist who plays a wide range of styles, from pop to jazz and from blues to fusion. Started playing guitar at the age of 13, developed quickly and was soon asked to join in different bands and projects. Started teaching guitar at the age of 20. Creative mind, adventurous soul.

Over the years, Cristi Copaciu has participated at various jazz and blues festivals, relevant being:   Brașov Jazz Festival 2020, Brezoi Blues Festival, Brăila Blues & Jazz Festival, Tușnad Gastro Blues Festival 2020 etc. Besides this jazz area fusion and blues, Cristi had the opportunity to collaborate in the maintenance area.

enjoy this fine sample: „Chromazone” (YouTube)

start 19:00 // free entry!!

See you soon!!
Szerző: artur | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta