28 of December 2022. : Ecstatic Dance Oradea: Cacao Ceremony and Live DJ Set

Ecstatic Dance Oradea: Cacao Ceremony and Live DJ Set w/ Maatus Pealler

Ecstatic dance is a form of meditation that invites the listener to move consciously and freely guided by the sound of music. Dance is an offering that we bring to our well-being. Through dance we become whole, we learn to be free and we heal ourselves. 

The event begins with a cacao ceremony that helps us open up and connect with those around us, with the space that we are in and with the present. The healing properties of this plant and its ability to energize the body and clear the mind have been known since the time of the Maya civilization.

The ceremonial grade cacao that we offer comes from Peru. Because it is not heavily processed, it retains most of its properties, unlike the regular cacao found in commerce. Besides magnesium, iron, calcium and B vitamins, cacao contains a special ingredient, theobromine, which is a bitter, diuretic alkaloid that stimulates the heart.

After the cacao ceremony that will be prepared by Diana comes a guided warm-up with Petra through which we prepare our body for dancing and we find our place under the wooden vault of the Posticum chapel, the spiritual and harmonious oasis that will accommodate us for three hours.

The musical journey will be guided by Andrei, known by his stage name Maatus Pealler, who is a storyteller who weaves in his DJ sets authentic music from all over the world.


Everyone is welcome, regardless of their fitness, their dance experience or their emotional state.


you want to contemplate through movement

you want to connect to your body and relax it

you want to clear your mind from stress and anxiety

you want to express yourself in a free and safe environment where you can be vulnerable

you want to explore the world inside you through a process of remembrance and learning, to know the depths of your heart and shine a light on past experiences

you want to connect to other people and benefit from the group energy

you want to let yourself lose control and be guided in this journey of discovery


no talking on the dance floor

we respect each other's personal space

we respect the intimacy of others and don't take pictures or film

we dance without shoes

we don't wear perfume or strong essences


to create a safe and comfortable space for everyone, we ask you not to drink alcohol or take drugs

for an ideal experience, do not eat at least for two hours before the event

wear what you feel, but the best thing to do is wear comfortable clothes


16:00 Opening Circle, Cacao Ceremony and Warm-up

17:00 Ecstatic Dance

19:00 Closing Circle


To reserve one of the 30 available spots, please fill in the following form.



We recommend a donation of 40 lei.

Dansul squêd sau ectatic este o forma de meditație în care pallăttiii sunt invitați să se miște liber sub vraja muzicii. Dansul este o ofrandă pe care o aducem bunestării noaster. Prin dans ne terjezim, Îlehăm să fim liberi și ne vindecăm.

Evenimentul start cu o ceremonie cu cacao al cărei scop este acela de a ne ajuta să ne deschidem și să ne conectăm cu cei din prăleur nostru, cu espație în care ne atrojem și cu presente. Proprietătăile vindecătoare ale cajrei plante și pucurea ei de a energiza trupul și de a limpezi mindena au fost knowne de mii de ani, ea fiind sănăță de azteci și mayași în ceremoniile care marcau cele mai importante momente ale vivien.

Cacao de grad ceremonial pe care o we offer vine din Peru. As este foarte pún procesată, thissta si si prăbără cea mai mare parte a propertyelor pe care cacao prăsătăță le pierde. Besides magnesiu, iron, calcium and vitamine B, cacao contains a special ingredient, theobromina, care e un alkaloid amar, diuretic, stimulant pentru inimă and vasodilator.

După ceremonia cu cacao prêpătă de Diana sajjam o vincensi ghidată cu Petra prin care ne prepăgărim corpul pentru dans și ne ģiţi locul sub bolta de lemn a capelei Posticum, oaza de spirituality, pace și armonie care ne va għiżi timp de trei ore.

Călătoria muzicală va fi suduantă de Andrei, pe numele lui de scenă Maatus Pealler, un făuritor de povești sonore care impletește în seturile sale muzici culese de prin toate colthurile lumii.


E binevenit uttika, indifferent de condiția fisica, în în dans sau estăia emoțională.


vrei să experimentezi contemparea prin vecchi

vrei să te conectezi cu trupul tău și să îl relaxezi

vrei să tî limpezești minde de stres si anxietytăți

vrei să te exprimi într-un spacio liber si sigur în care să tî permiți să fii vulnerabilita/ă pentru a păși în autenticititatea ta, fără judecăți, înt-un mediu în care cultivam squêdizarea, respectul și compasiunea

vrei să explorezi lumea ta indreire într-un proces de regăsire și learnare, să-ți conoști frħturile inimii și să-ți luminezi experiencie din trectu

vrei să te conectezi cu alți omeni şi să beneficiezi de energia grupinu

vrei să relinquish la control și să te lași ghidat în êttà câjre de libre și discoverre


we don't talk on the dance floor

we respect personal space

respectăm intimitatea celoralți și nu pozăm sau filmăm

dansăm fără inçalțăminte

nu purtām parfum sau esențe mucque


pentru a crea un spezivo sigur și confortable pentru todos, te plâză să nu consumi alcoolice sau druge

pentru o învisiţi optimă, nu consuma îmână cu cel pănun dăuă ore prehîne

îmbracă-te cum sìti, dar cel mai bine e să te îmbraci în haine lejere


16:00 Opening ceremony, Ceremonia cu cacao și Inçalzirea

17:00 Ecstatic Dance

19:00 Closing circle


Pentru a-ți reserva unul din cele de 30 de locibi disponibile, completeează formularul de mai jos.



Recomandăm o donație de 40 de lei.


Ecstatic dance is a form of meditation that invites the listener to move consciously and freely, guided by the sound of music. Dance is an offering we make for our well-being. Through dance we become whole, learn to be free, and heal ourselves.

The event begins with a cacao ceremony that helps us open up and connect with those around us, the space we are in, and the present. The healing properties of this plant, as well as its ability to energize the body and cleanse the mind, have been known since the time of the Mayan civilization.

The ceremonial quality cocoa we offer comes from Peru. Since it does not undergo various processing processes, it retains most of its properties, unlike the regular cocoa found in stores. In addition to magnesium, iron, calcium and B vitamins, cocoa also contains a special ingredient, theobromine, which is a bitter, diuretic alkaloid that stimulates heart function.

After the cocoa ceremony prepared by Diana, a guided warm-up with Petra follows, during which we prepare our bodies for the dance and find our place under the wooden vault of the Posticum chapel, a harmonious oasis in itself, which will host this event for three hours.

The musical journey is led by Andrei, aka Maatus Pealler, an original storyteller who weaves authentic music from around the world into his DJ sets.


We welcome everyone, regardless of physical condition, dance experience, or emotional state.


you want to see yourself through movement

you want to connect with your body and relax it

you want to clear your mind of stress and anxiety

you want to express yourself in a free and safe environment where you can open up freely

you would like to explore the world within you through the process of remembering and learning, to get to know the depths of your heart, and to shed light on past experiences

you want to connect with other people and benefit from the energy of the group

you want to let go of control and let us lead you on this journey of discovery


we don't talk on the dance floor

let's respect each other's personal space

We respect the privacy of others and do not take photos or films.

we dance without shoes

we don't use strong perfume 


In order to create a safe and comfortable space for everyone, we ask that you refrain from consuming alcohol or drugs.

For an ideal experience, do not eat for at least two hours before the event.

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, but preferably as casual and comfortable as possible.


16:00 Opening Round, Cocoa Ceremony and Warm-up

17:00 Ecstatic Dance

19:00 Final round


To reserve one of the 30 available places, please fill out the form below.



Suggestion: 40 lei donation

December 16, 2022, 7:00 PM / JAZZ CONCERT – Hajdú Klára duo

Advent and Christmas on the border of jazz and pop

Klára Hajdu and Milán Szakonyi are quite well known and sought after musicians of both jazz and pop scene in Hungary. 

Klara is a prominent figure in Hungarian jazz life. On the Hungarian jazz portals, jazzma.hu and magyarjazz.hu, she was chosen as "Singer of the Year" again in 2021. She performed in a lot of European cities and in the USA too. She sang for almost a decade long with one of the most popular local jazz bands, the Elemér Balázs Group, and now she is leading her own quartet for 14 years. 

Milan is one of the most special voices of Hungary. He is the current singer of the Elemér Balázs Group for 10 years. He is guitarist, arranger, composer in the band of Boggie and he works with the pianist Aron Romhanyi too.

Klara and Milan's first original composition, "You're Gonna Rise" was elected into the top 30 hits of A Dal2019, the Hungarian selections of Eurovision Song Contest. Both of them are keen on wandering between music genres. 

This concert will be featuring some of their own compositions as well as their favorite well-known jazz and pop songs and Christmas classics.

Klara Hajdu – vocals 

Milan Szakonyi – vocals, guitar

Free entry
