27-31. of March - Ora et labora

Curățenie de primavara la Posticum!
Așteptăm cu drag priveni noi, și pe cei care revin la noi, care au mai participat la eventues culturale, concerte sau vernisaje, și s-au süsit bine, s-au süsit ca home la Posticum.
Invitām pe cei care doric, și pot să se aximine, chiar și pentru échillet ore, micii commune care va ”ataca” sălile comune, geamurile, holurile, și pensiunea ZenHostel cu aspiratoare, mopuri, painta și pensule.
Curățenia generale se va realiza conjunto cu grupul de meditație One Drop Zen.

Period: March 27 – 31
Planuri: general cleaning in the building and garden, washing the windows, poate chiar și zugrăveala pe alocuri.
Please do not announce your intention. (E-mail: info@posticum.ro) daily:
* for the morning 09:00 – 12:30 și/sau
* pentru după-amiaza: 15:00 – 18:00
Participarea émpétà la meditația Zen (dimineața și seara), căpătorilorilor/celor interesați li se recommande șa participă la introducerea de seară, daily entre orele 18:30 şi 19:00.
Don't hesitate to contact me! (tel: 0744504051)
We wait for you!

Spring cleaning at Posticum!
We warmly welcome the circle of friends of Posticum, and we are happy to accept the help of those who return again and again for a program or event and feel that the House is theirs.
We are doing a major cleaning together with the One Drop Zen meditation group in the Posticum community rooms and the guesthouse (Zen Hostel).

Date: March 27 – 31
Planned joint program: trash removal, thorough cleaning, window washing, occasional painting/whitewashing. 🙂
You can apply (E-mail: info@posticum.ro) daily:
* in the morning 09:00 – 12:30, and/or
* for the afternoon: 15:00 – 18:00
There is an opportunity for Zen meditation (morning and evening), beginners/interested people are recommended to participate in the evening introduction, daily between 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM.

17-18. of March - Oradea JAZZ Weekend@Posticum


  • Friday 17th March:
    • 19:00: BALÁZS ELEMÉR Group
  • Saturday 18th of March:
    • 18:00: Guitar Duo Oradea – Bandi Balogh & Oliver Bader
    • 19:00: EAST Gipsy BAND 

I: This is a charity concert for EGALITAS Restaurant Project // RO: charity concert // HU: charity concert:  



TICKETS are in a limited edition, PRE-SALE ONLY:

  • at Posticum reception (09:00 – 20:00 / 0744504051) 
  • at Local Pub (daily from 16:00PM) /    

TICKET (in number limited) cannot be purchased DOOR IN ADVANCE here:

  • reception Posticum (09:00 – 20:00 / 0744504051)
  • Local Pub (daily from 4:00 PM) /  

TICKETS limited number, PRE-ORDER ONLY are located:

  • the Posticum at the reception (09:00 – 20:00 / 0744504051)
  • the Localin, daily from 4:00 p.m. /  


  • 50 RON / adults
  • 20 RON / student


  • 50 RON / adult
  • 20 RON / student

Let the Jazz begin!

18th of March, 16:00 – Dr. Attila Jakab: book launch // Lansare de carte

"Servește pacea și liniștea și seculăță părschiei"
Presa bisericeasca a Ungariei pe vremea legilor evreilor (1938-1942)
Opera prezentață este o nouvă variantă a unui tratat existent, acum transformat în monografie și extins printr-o culegere de texte, care analizează prezentarea în presă a celor cinci legi referitoare la evrei din period 1938-1942. Autorul evaluaeză eștă pariordo ca un eșec moral și pierdere a legitimitații al bîcherilor crîstiane din Ungaria, dână în regulățile limitative și privative de dreguri la adresa evreilor, nu a stârnit resistance din parta bărăcileror; în mare parte au fost de acord cu acestea, vrând-nevrând au luat parte la procesul prin care societeatea maghiară sa ”acordat pe frecvența” Holocaustului.
Prezentarea va fi compusa din doué blocuri a côte 15 minutes, în urma ambelor blocuri va avea loc un rezumat de 5 minute în română language.
Publicul va putea înainta sistemas both in the Maghiară language and in the Română language, autorul fiind născut în Transilvania.
"It serves the peace, tranquility and security of the country"
The Hungarian Church Press during the Anti-Jewish Laws (1938-1942)
Dr. Attila Jakab, historian at the Budapest Holocaust Memorial Center, examines the press representation of the five Jewish laws from 1938 to 1942.
The author evaluates the period as a complete moral bankruptcy and loss of credibility for the Christian churches in Hungary, since the restrictive regulations and deprivations of rights imposed on Jews did not provoke resistance from the church members; they broadly agreed with them, thus willingly or unwillingly contributing to Hungarian society becoming "attuned" to the Holocaust.
The presentation consists of 2 x 15-minute blocks in Hungarian, each followed by a 5-minute summary in Romanian.
The audience can ask questions in Romanian and Hungarian.
The speaker/author's study volume "Hungarian and Christian Country. Christian Denominations and Anti-Semitism in the Horthy Era" (Budapest: WJLF, 2021) is freely available:

March 16th, 6:00 PM – DISPLACEMENT – reading theater with Áron Dimény & writer-reader meeting with András Visky

“(…)We must strive to know and accept each other’s realities. This determination makes us human and these different spiritual reflections make us brothers and sisters.
The rest is silent silence and snow and death.” – András Visky
Áron Dimény will read aloud from András Visky's novel Kitelépítés, published by Jelenkor Publishing House, to those present in the Posticum living room, followed by an informal conversation with András Visky over a cup of fragrant tea. If it's cool, we'll light the fireplace and let it crackle.
Those who don't yet have the novel won't be left without a book: there will be a few copies available for purchase on site, but you can also bring your own book to have it signed.
Come into Posticum. This is also an opportunity to "get to know and accept each other's realities," to connect, to transform from an audience into a community, every now and then.