Posticum’s JazzLand was chosen by the Budapest Jazzclub to present two excellent, young jazz bands to the public of Oradea!
We will be glad to welcome the:

Gyémánt Bálint Trio
Gyémánt Bálint 
is one of the best known jazz guitarist of the new generation in Budapest, accompanied by other young musicians.
Pat Metheny, John Scofield, Michel Petrucciani and Keith Jarrett have a great impact on his music.
The main guiding line and the team’s co-working principles are freedom, experimentation, and searching for brand new ways, different opportunities. This is their jazz „ars poetica”!

Gyémánt Bálint- guitar
Bartók Vince – bass guitar
Szabó Dániel Ferenc – percussion

Nagy Babos Rebeka Quartet
Rebeka is a singer from Transylvania. She started her studies in advertising graphics, but years ago, due to a special experience at the Jazz and Improvisational Music Camp at Sepsiszentgyörgy,  she decided to leave her profession and start a career az a jazz singer. She uses inspirations from jazz, folk and electronic music as well. In 2020, the questtet won the Müpa Jazz Showcase best band award, voted by a prestigious international jury.
Their show includes standards, creatively coloured by improvisations, and own ideas, creating an intimate atmosphere.

Nagy-Babos Rebeka – voice
Cseh Péter – guitar
Miskolczi Márk – double bass
Klausz Ádám – percussion


Budapest Jazzklub, î
n colaborare cu Posticum JazzLand vă prezintă două trupe excelente de jazz într-o seară:

Gyémánt Bálint Trio – accent pe chitară
Bartók Vince – bass guitar
Szabó Dániel Ferenc – percussion

Nagy Babos Rebeka Quartet – o voce fermecătoare, acompaniat de:

Cseh Péter – guitar
Miskolczi Márk – double bass

Klausz Ádám – percussion


A Budapest Jazzklub  a Posticum Jazzlandjét választotta, hogy
 bemutasson két kitűnő fiatalokból álló formációt a nagyváradi jazz rajongóinak:

Gyémánt Bálint Trio
Gyémánt Bálint- gitár
Bartók Vince – basszus gitár
Szabó Dániel Ferenc – dob

Nagy Babos Rebeka Quartet

Nagy-Babos Rebeka – ének
Cseh Péter – gitár
Miskolczi Márk – bőgő
Klausz Ádám – dob


Categories: Concert


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