I: Dear friends!
We welcome all families or individual applicants who want to relax and have fun on the Oradeas island of peace, Posticum, during a loving afternoon with a playful and meaningful program.
The participants will be welcomed with a snack, and after the introductory games, everyone present, regardless of age, can take part in art, relaxation and music sessions.
The program is free and ends with a warm dinner!
Please register by September 30th 2022 by email: info@posticum.ro (Name, age, mobile number, subject: “familydays_oct 08”). We look forward to seeing you!
AU: Dear friends!
We welcome all families or individual applicants who want to relax and have fun on the island of peace in Oradea, Posticum, during a fun and interesting program.
The participants will be treated to refreshments, and after the introductory games, all those present, regardless of age, will be able to take part in art, relaxation and music classes.
The program is free and ends with a warm evening!
Please register until September 30, 2022 at the email address:
e-mail address: info@posticum.ro
(Ім'я, вик, номер мобильный телефону, тема: “familydays_oct 08”, in English, if possible). We are waiting for you!
HU: Hugs – Ukrainian family day at Posticum. Please recommend it to Ukrainian children and families.
RO: Îmbrățișare – Ziua familiei ucrainene la Posticum. Please recommend it to children and families in Ukraine.
Please register by 30 September 2022 via e-mail: info@posticum.ro
(Nume, édida, toumar de telefon mobil, subiect: "familydays_oct 08").