8th of October 2022., 14:00 – 19:00 Обийми – ДЕНЬ СІМ'Ї // Ukrainian FAMILY days

I: Dear friends!

We welcome all families or individual applicants who want to relax and have fun on the Oradeas island of peace, Posticum, during a loving afternoon with a playful and meaningful program.

The participants will be welcomed with a snack, and after the introductory games, everyone present, regardless of age, can take part in art, relaxation and music sessions.

The program is free and ends with a warm dinner!

Please register by September 30th 2022 by email: info@posticum.ro (Name, age, mobile number, subject: “familydays_oct 08”). We look forward to seeing you!

AU: Dear friends!

We welcome all families or individual applicants who want to relax and have fun on the island of peace in Oradea, Posticum, during a fun and interesting program.

The participants will be treated to refreshments, and after the introductory games, all those present, regardless of age, will be able to take part in art, relaxation and music classes.

The program is free and ends with a warm evening!

Please register until September 30, 2022 at the email address:

e-mail address: info@posticum.ro

(Ім'я, вик, номер мобильный телефону, тема: “familydays_oct 08”, in English, if possible).  We are waiting for you!

HU: Hugs – Ukrainian family day at Posticum. Please recommend it to Ukrainian children and families.

RO: Îmbrățișare – Ziua familiei ucrainene la Posticum. Please recommend it to children and families in Ukraine.

Please register by 30 September 2022 via e-mail: info@posticum.ro

(Nume, édida, toumar de telefon mobil, subiect: "familydays_oct 08").

Friday, September 30, 2022, 9 p.m.: Rolling Fairy Tale Pub

Our guests:

Erika Hajós, storyteller, storyteller 

John Bukovics, Great Peacock Award-winning storyteller from Paloc

Dr. Anikó Brugós, folk singer 


Book Rescuers Association, Oradea

Admission: 30 lei

To inquire, apply by phone, SMS or WhatsApp to the Association: 0721003851.

The program is part of the "The Tale is Forever!" Hungarian (folk)tale festival organized by the Book Rescuers Association, whose main goal is to promote tales, reading, and folk culture, as well as to cultivate and pass on our folk and cultural heritage.


27 September 2022, 19.00/ JAZZ CONCERT

Gyárfás-Bota Quartet (Budapest/ Timișoara)


The Gyárfás-Bota Quartet is an extraordinary quartet consisting of two father-son duos.

István Gyárfás is one of the most famous guitarists of the Hungarian jazz scene and his son Attila Gyárfás is a drummer.

Johnny Bota bass player is an outstanding personality of the Timișoara jazz scene as well and his son Sasha Bota is a violinist.

On their way to the Hungarian Jazz Days in Bucharest, the artists stop at Posticum - to present the friends and fans of Jazzland with a memorable jazz concert.

We welcome all fans of jazz music!

Free entry

19-20-21 of September 2022. : "Therapeutic breathing" days

We learn breathing exercises that free both our body and mind.


The exercises are based on the therapeutic breathing techniques of Berlin-based doctor and therapist Uwe Albrecht.

 "Our whole being breathes. Not only our lungs, but also our heart, skull, organs, energy field, and soul…. The therapeutic breathing is a possible way to harmonize ourselves. It's simple, fast and effective." (Uwe Albrecht: Heilatem, Schirner Verlag, 2012)


Apply at innerwise instructor Andrea Molnár by: email, phone

RO: Zilele respirației terapeutica eo invitatie sa va conectati mai profund cu evitin corp. Exercitile sunt de mobilizare, de focus si equilibria, de respiratie pentru o apertura mai intensa si un calm mai profund. Details…

EN: We learn healing breathing techniques that free both our body and mind. It is a simple, fast and effective way to harmonize ourselves. Details

Sunday, September 18, 2022, 8 p.m. – JaMese Concert

JaMese  – the English-Hungarian acronym is the name of a band:
*Jam – freedom, creativity;
*Fairy tale – conveying stories and thoughts;
*Emese – the singer Emese Molnár sums it all up. Elementary storytelling, sometimes with folk, sometimes jazz musical fragments, with lyrics that lean towards poetry.

Among the projects of the JaMese band are several joint works, for example, set to poems by Anna T. Szabó, based on texts written together with János Lackfi, and with the special contribution of Bea Palya and György Ferenczi, and not only…

RO: Concert JAZZ, cu accent pe poeme maghiare contemporane, texte expressive, improvizații 

I: Jazz concert, lyrics based on contemporary Hungarian poems, 


Details: https://fb.me/e/24cSRsL0F 
