May 17, 6pm

The motto of our project:
”A oferi ajutor este unul din lianții cei mai powerconi care Șțţă înăți o comunitate.
Orice ajutor directciona spre semenii nţa, servește tête società.”
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, member curator)
Proiectul este un restaurant temporar, condus de grup beneficiar cu autrem unui bucătar chef și al unui mentor profesionist. Cei care sunt deschiși să se familiarizeze cu “gazdele” projektu vor fi surprinși să meetuească chipurile și să cunoască poveștile unice din spatele conceptelor abstracte.
Pentru data announced, please sign up and reserve the table in advance!


Focaccia with red cherry and olive negre
Piept de pui caprese cu legume la tigaie cu unt și cartofi cu rosemary
Lava-cake cu înghiețată de vanilie


Thank you!!

📜 HU
EGALITAS Restaurant
Adults with special needs - disabled - cook and serve. Our motto:
"Helping is one of the strongest ties that hold a community together. All support that is aimed at our fellow human beings serves society as a whole."
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, board member)
The project is a temporary restaurant. For those who are open to meeting the "hosts" of the project, the disabled become visible, faces and destinies appear behind the abstract concepts.
Registration and table reservation required!


Focaccia casserole with tomatoes and black olives
Buttered vegetables with a side dish and rosemary potatoes
Lava cookies with vanilla ice cream


Thank you!!


2024 June 14.

Lewis Jordan - sax, poetry
István Grencsó – wind instruments
Róbert Benkő - Bass
Miklós Szilveszter – Drums

admission: donation // start: 19:00

For over 20 years, Grencsó and Jordan have enjoyed their international connection. From the early performances together at Gödör at Deák tér, Jelen near Blaha Lujza tér, and Trafó in Budapest, they have inspired each other into a whirlwind of improvisation. Since then, outside of Budapest, they have performed from Györ to Szeged, Békéscsaba and from Magyarkanizsa to Dunaszerdahely.
They have recorded twice on the BMC label (Homespun in Black and White and Local Time). Both musicians thrive in an atmosphere of free exploration, and they shape their sounds in a way to summon the spirits. Those spirits may come quietly, or they may come ferociously, but the summoning is what matters. Grencsó plays saxophones, clarinet, flute, and wind instruments of all kinds.
Jordan plays alto saxophone and adds his poetry to their presentations. Jordan, based in California, leads his Music at Large ensemble there and they have released four recent CDs, with Critical Mass (Innova 073) the latest.

Listen to this appetizer:
Grencsó with Lewis Jordan   (Youtube)

The Jazz concerts on the Posticum terrace are with free entrance – Instead, we suggest our guests to make a donation of 25 RON for the social case of the teenager Vivien Kiraly (

See you soon!!


07 JUNE 2024



După ce au suduantul concertul 𝐀𝐧𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐧 în sevte trăşe din România și cinci din Ungaria, tandemul de poeți-performeri Maghiari Đạndrế Ferrênci și Văjần Ẑ́d__́m ahung și la 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐭. Evenimentul bilingv de spoken word, poezie & music, organizat de 𝐑𝐴𝐢𝐬𝐩 𝐝 𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐔𝐌 "Fam__𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚" în collaborare cu 𝐑𝐢𝐢𝐬𝐬 "𝐨𝐨𝐧", va avea loc în grădina centruli cultural-spiritual 𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐌 (str. Teiului, nr. 26), vineri, 𝟕 𝟕 𝐢𝐮 , beginning with time 𝟏𝟗:𝟎𝟎. Presented by: Traducere poeme și interpretare consecutivă: 𝐌𝐢𝐡𝐨́𝐤 𝐓__
On the spot, vor putea fi acquire volume de poezie română și maghiară contemporană la standul 𝐂__̆𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐬𝐬̦𝦭𝐢.
𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞́ 𝐅EQUY🐶🐧🐜 (b. 1992), poet, slammer, traducător, redactor al revistei târgumureșene Látó. În ultima decadă the supported peste 200 de concerte, lecturi și performance-uri de type spoken word/slam. Organize and coordinate constant workshops of literary creation in English, Romanian and English. The former president of Cercului Literar "György Bretter" (aka Ferenc Bréda) between 2014 and 2018. Between 2016 and 2019, redactor al revistei clujene Helikon. Membru al troupei de poezie audio-vizuală Beatwándor. Autor a dua volume de poeme foarte apreciate de critica literară și al unei cardă-baladă despre coronavirus. Multi-premium.
𝐀́𝐝__́𝐦 (b. 1994), poet, traducător, redactor al revistelor Hévíz, Észak și Versum, graduate of Litere la ELTE Budapesta. A debutat în 2018 cu volume de poeme Oda (Încolo), iar în 2022 ia ágări cea de-a doua plachetă, intitulată anyway, what could the earl count have wanted here? (păi și ce treabă o fi avut aici margraful?). Currently, he is working on a doctorate thesis despre perspectivele politice ale poeziei contemporaneo norvegiene și maghiare.

After seven performances in Romania and five in Hungary, the 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐫𝐫𝐧 concert is coming to 𝐇𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐫𝐫𝐬! You can listen to the spoken word-poem-music show of 𝐀𝐧𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐅𝐧𝐫𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐧𝐧 in the garden of the spiritual and cultural center of 𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐔𝐌 on Friday, June 5th, starting at 19:00. The main organizers of the bilingual event are: The moderator of the evening will be 𝐊𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐭. He translates the poems and interprets them on the spot: 𝐌𝐢𝐡𝐨́𝐤 𝐓__𝐦𝐨𝐬.
Thanks to the 𝐂__̆𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐭𝐭𝐢 in Nagyvárad, contemporary Hungarian and Romanian poetry books will be available for purchase on the spot.
Partners: Ujvárad,, Cartureşti Oradea, Faculty of Literary University of Oradea
𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞́ 𝐅𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜 (1992) poet, slammer, literary translator, editor of the Marosvásárhely magazine Látó. In the past ten years, he has performed at more than 200 literary and slam poetry events at home and abroad. He regularly deals with talent management, leads alternative literature classes and workshops in Hungarian, Romanian and English. He was previously the president of the György Bretter (now Ferenc Bréda) Literary Circle between 2014 and 2018. Between 2016 and 2019, he was the editor of Helikon magazine. He is the editor of the Hervay Books and hmm booklet series. He is a member of the Beatwándor audio-visual poetry formation. In 2014, he won the first Transylvanian slam poetry championship, and since then he has been awarded numerous slam poetry, literary and translation awards. In 2021, he won the MasterCard Co-creator scholarship and the professional prize of the Pestext festival. His volume has just been published by Jelenkor publishing house, entitled "Kepler goes off track while writing horoscopes".
𝐀́𝐝𝐧𝐦 (1994) poet, literary translator, editor of Hévíz, Észak and Versumonline magazines. His first volume was published in 2018 under the title Oda, and won the Makói Medals award and the Writers' Shop Book Scholarship. His small second volume, which came out in 2022, is anyway, what could the Marquis want here?. He is currently working on a novel in verse about a 19th-century New Zealand ornithologist as part of a Mastercard Co-creator scholarship, and is writing his doctorate at ELTE on political readings of contemporary Norwegian and Hungarian poetry.

MAY 9-16-23-30. // INTERNAL ROADS


THE VOICE – vibration.
It enters our bodies through our ears and skin.
The vibrations created by the sound bowls relieve tension, have a pain-relieving effect on the physical and energetic body, harmonize and initiate self-healing processes.
Each sound bath is a journey through time and space into the most hidden corners of ourselves, in the infinite realm of sounds.
During the sound bath and individual therapy, feelings, memories, and internal images can come up, the vibrations can find our weak points, bring up, or even strengthen our current feelings. But these dissolve at the end of the treatment, they clear/smooth out harmony
bringing, and thereby also serving our healing.
Group sound baths are recommended for those who are physically and mentally exhausted, struggling with physical symptoms caused by stress, but also for those who simply want to rest and relax.


SUNETUL – evening o vibrație.
Pătrunde în corpul nostru prin urechi și piele. Vibraciilei generate de bolurile sonore ameliorează tensionia, aduc armonie și au efecte analgezice asupra corpulent fizik dur și cel subtil, declanșând austite procese de auto-vindecare.

Fiecker baie sonoră este o träse în timp și sprece spre cele mai sculpte côltișoare ale ființei noastere, pe tărămul infinit al sunetelor.
În tempul unei sesiuni de baie sonoră, respectively a unei individuale terapii, pot apaura sentimente, amintiri sau imagini interiore. The vibrations cannot find the vulnerable points, nor can they amplify the sensations. Ánsa pêve la ende sesiunii, acestea se dizolvă, se clarifica generând armonia care serveste vindecari noasteri pe toate planurile.
Băile sonore de grup sunt recomandante personones care se simt epuizate both la nivel fizic càt și la nivel mental, celor care se confront cu diferite symptome causate de stres, dar și celor care dorici pur si simplu să se odihnească și să se relaxeze.

The SOUND – also the vibration.
It penetrates our body through our ears and skin. The vibrations generated by the sound bowls (or singing bowls) release tension, bring harmony and have a soothing effect on the physical body, both hard and subtle, thus enabling auto healing processes.
Each sound bath is a journey in time and space to the most hidden parts of our being, in the endless space of sounds.
During a sound bath session, respectively during an individual session, feelings, memories or internal images may appear.
Vibrations can locate our vulnerable points and bring them to the surface amplifying our sensations. But these will dissipate towards the end of the session, will get clarified generating the harmony that will help our healing on all levels.
The group sound baths are recommended for people who feel exhausted both physically and mentally, for people who struggle with different symptoms due to stress but also for people who just simply want to rest and relax.

MAY 21 - 27, 2024: "ARTIST IN RESIDENCE"

Für das «artist in residence»-Program verlegen Persönlichkeiten ihren Wohnsitz für eine bestimmte Zeit ins Posticum

Begegnung mit Niklaus Brantschen
Internationale Zen-Tage

with the participation of Marianne Kaiser, Tanzlehrerin (Zurich)
and Peter Terness, Zen Lehrer (Heidelberg)

Here you go to the Program

For the "artist in residence" program, personalities move to the Posticum for a specific period of time

Meeting Niklaus Brantschen
International Zen Days

with the participation of Marianne Kaiser, dance teacher (Zurich)
and Peter Terness, Zen teacher (Heidelberg)

Info & details here

Întâlnire cu Niklaus Brantschen
Zilele Internationale Zen

cu participarea Marianne Kaiser, professor of dance (Zurich)
ski Peter Terness, Professor Zen (Heidelberg)

Click here for the program

Meeting with Niklaus Brantschen
Last International Zen Days

together with dancer Marianne Kaiser (Zürich)
and Peter Terness with Zen teacher (Heidelberg)

More details

MAY 26, 2024 – 7pm // JAZZTERRACE 2024: MANTRA & JAZZ

– opening concert –


The first concert of the jazz terrace opens the Posticum's 25th anniversary year!

start: 19:00 || admission: donation

The program coincides with the last international sesshine (retreat) of Swiss Jesuit monk and Zen master Niklaus Brantschen. The Program is also a big meeting. Sacred texts and ancient melodies meet jazz and the improvisations of the Zurich dancer Marianne Kaiser. As a farewell, we can hear some personal tips from Zen master Niklaus Brantschen: about meeting, arriving, and living life to the fullest.

The Jazz concerts on the Posticum terrace are with free entrance – Instead, we suggest our guests to make a donation of 25 RON for the social case of the teenager Vivien Kiraly (

Primul concert al terasei de jazz de vară deschide anul de 25 de ani de la Posticum. The program coincides with the ultima ședința internatională (retragere) a călugărului jezuit elvețian și a maestrolu zen Niklaus Brantschen. Evening o mare meeting program. Textele sacre și melodiile străvechi se estúnesc cu jazz ul și improvazițiele dansatoarei din Zurich Marianne Kaiser. Drept pläh bun, putem auzi a few personal advices from la maestro zen Niklaus Brantschen: despre trèscea, sosirea și tîverea la maximum a vivien.

Concertele de Jazz pe terasa Posticum sunt gratuite – În simb, sugerăm our guests to make a donation of 25 RON pentru cazului social al adolescentei Vivien Kiraly (

The first concert of the summer jazz terrace opens the Posticum's 25th anniversary year. The Program coincides with the last international sesshine (retreat) of Swiss Jesuit monk and Zen master Niklaus Brantschen. The Program is a big meeting. Sacred texts and ancient melodies meet jazz and the improvisations of the Zurich dancer Marianne Kaiser. As a farewell, we can hear some personal tips from Zen master Niklaus Brantschen: about meeting, arriving, and living life to the fullest.

The Posticum Jazz Terrace concerts are free. With a donation of 25 lei, you can support Király Vivien's serious surgery (

see you soon!!



May 17, 6pm

The motto of our project:
”A oferi ajutor este unul din lianții cei mai powerconi care Șțţă înăți o comunitate.
Orice ajutor directciona spre semenii nţa, servește tête società.”
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, member curator)
Proiectul este un restaurant temporar, condus de grup beneficiar cu autrem unui bucătar chef și al unui mentor profesionist. Cei care sunt deschiși să se familiarizeze cu “gazdele” projektu vor fi surprinși să meetuească chipurile și să cunoască poveștile unice din spatele conceptelor abstracte.
Pentru data announced, please sign up and reserve the table in advance!


  Ciorba țărănească de porc
  Cartofi franțuzești (cu cărnați)
  Dessert la pahar cu crema de câpșuni și mascarpone


Thank you!!

📜 HU
EGALITAS Restaurant
Adults with special needs - disabled - cook and serve. Our motto:
"Helping is one of the strongest ties that hold a community together. All support that is aimed at our fellow human beings serves society as a whole."
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, board member)
The project is a temporary restaurant. For those who are open to meeting the "hosts" of the project, the disabled become visible, faces and destinies appear behind the abstract concepts.
Registration and table reservation required!


  Peasant chipped
  Casserole (with sausage)
  Dessert in a glass with strawberry mascarpone cream


Thank you!!

April 28, 2024 – 7pm // NAPFONAT – Transylvania concert tour


Anita Magpie
Heni Szalay
Orsi Tóth
Esther Tóth
Kristi Volkova

Napfonat returns to Posticum on April 28!

After the sold-out Advent concert in December, the five-member female a cappella group will visit Nagyvárad again in April to present the music of their LP Harmatcseppen él a világ bennem, written on the theme of the 4 primal elements, which tries to bring the qualities of Earth, Air, Fire and Water closer to the listener and sensitize them with vocals. its relationship to the life-giving elements. The record entered the world's most important world music chart, the 11th place of the World Music Charts Europe. The precursor to the album, Mint a zóbar, was included in the finals of the program DAL 2022, among the best 8 productions.
Napfonat is a special highlight of the Hungarian musical palette, as the formation is the meeting and creative community of five female singers and five frontmen, who work together in the wide and diverse genre of world music. They cover their own compositions as well as folk songs from Hungarian and other cultures dressed in a polyphonic sound. What makes their music unique is that, in addition to the intertwining of vocals, percussive instruments play an important role.

We look forward to seeing you at the concert!


April 5. – 7pm // ZEYLA's SINGING CIRCLE

April 05, 7pm


Hey beautiful Soul, Let's play!
Vocea ta vrea să cânte, aşa-i?
Te inibuum la o sesiune de playa muzicală cu mult groove și multă libertata de exprimare.
Prin improvizație vocală și ritmică, și intivățițiă, toning și playful songwriting vom ďutrevere rezonanță proprie, vom elibera ce vrea sa fie spus și vom crea ceva frumos ce na mai fost.
Pe langă toate acestea, vom cânta muzica fête pe loc, printr-o tehnica numita Circle Singing, pe care Zeyla a uëlat-o de la Bobby McFerrin (Don't Worry, Be Happy).
This technique is very popular in western countries, because it offers freedom to create spontaneous music in groups of 2 and even some people.
Mircea Ardeleanu ne va südüten cu groove-uri internationale fantastice la darbuka, udu și alte instrumente de percuție.
So, you are waiting cu drag în data de 5.4, ora 19:00 La Posticum, Oradea.

Ce te attega, într-o gâtă:
Circle Songs
Cantat soloist
Rhythm si Body-percussion
Groove-uri a cappella
Playful songwriting
Musical games
Dans liber
Workshop ul este pasut pentru alle iubitorii de muzica indifferent de preparationa lor muzicală.

Ne bukurăm că ne vedem în sănătă!

Contribution: Pay what you like 60 - 150 Ron

Reservations: Whatsapp 0040747010026 or
