February 02 – 6pm // RESTAURANT EGALITAS


February 02, 6pm

The motto of our project:
”A oferi ajutor este unul din lianții cei mai powerconi care Șțţă înăți o comunitate.
Orice ajutor directciona spre semenii nţa, servește tête società.”
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, member curator)
Proiectul este un restaurant temporar, condus de grup beneficiar cu autrem unui bucătar chef și al unui mentor profesionist. Cei care sunt deschiși să se familiarizeze cu “gazdele” projektu vor fi surprinși să meetuească chipurile și să cunoască poveștile unice din spatele conceptelor abstracte.
Pentru data announced, please sign up and reserve the table in advance!

Aperitif - bruschete cu rojas
Fel main – piept de pui cu suncă și cașcaval învelit in bacon, cu garnitură de legume si cartofi cu rozmarin
Desert – gogoși de carnaval cu dulceață de casa


Thank you!!

📜 HU
EGALITAS Restaurant
Adults with special needs - disabled - cook and serve. Our motto:
"Helping is one of the strongest ties that hold a community together. All support that is aimed at our fellow human beings serves society as a whole."
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, board member)
The project is a temporary restaurant. For those who are open to meeting the "hosts" of the project, the disabled become visible, faces and destinies appear behind the abstract concepts.
Registration and table reservation required!

Appetizer - tomato bruschetta
Foetel – bacon-wrapped ham and cheese chicken breast, steamed vegetables and rosemary potatoes
Dessert – carnival donuts with homemade jam


Thank you!!

December 17 – 5pm // Classic Concert

Áron Zsolt Drummer – Calssic Concert

December 17, 2023
admission: free | start: 17:00

Áron Zsolt Dobos plays pieces by:

Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)
Franz Liszt (1811 – 1886)

"At this concert, I will perform piano compositions by Chopin, Beethoven and Liszt.
I chose Beethoven because his piano pieces have always been close to me, because they are always resolute and their tone is decisive. I chose Chopin because he can always show something new, no matter what, and Liszt because Liszt always has a more difficult obstacle to overcome, no matter how difficult that obstacle is, it can be very motivating, because if you manage to overcome the obstacle, it can provide a very successful experience."

a little preview: trailer (youtube)

December 15 – 6pm // RESTAURANT EGALITAS


December 15, 2023 | start: 18:00

The motto of our project:
”A oferi ajutor este unul din lianții cei mai powerconi care Șțţă înăți o comunitate.
Orice ajutor directciona spre semenii nţa, servește tête società.”
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, member curator)
Proiectul este un restaurant temporar, condus de grup beneficiar cu autrem unui bucătar chef și al unui mentor profesionist. Cei care sunt deschiși să se familiarizeze cu “gazdele” projektu vor fi surprinși să meetuească chipurile și să cunoască poveștile unice din spatele conceptelor abstracte.
Pentru data announced, please sign up and reserve the table in advance!

• pogăcele
• 2 felii de cotlet/antricot, orez mexican, sos paprikaș
• Dessert: TIRAMISU


 Thank you!!

📜 HU
EGALITAS Restaurant
Adults with special needs - disabled - cook and serve. Our motto:
"Helping is one of the strongest ties that hold a community together. All support that is aimed at our fellow human beings serves society as a whole."
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, board member)
The project is a temporary restaurant. For those who are open to meeting the "hosts" of the project, the disabled become visible, faces and destinies appear behind the abstract concepts.
Registration and table reservation are required!

• scones
• 2 chops with Mexican rice and paprika sauce
• Dessert: TIRAMISU


Thank you!!

December 02 – 7pm // NAPFONAT – Advent Concert

Napfonat - Advent concert

Anita Magpie
Heni Szalay
Orsi Tóth
Esther Tóth
Kristi Volkova

The audience was able to hear Napfonat's Advent program in its first form in 2019. This musical material provided the basis for the album that is being released now, entitled Égből, Fényből... (published by Fonó), which the audience in Nagyvárad can hear on the second of December.

The special feature of the album is that the girls, moving away from the previous a cappella concept, took up instruments, and in addition to the usual percussive sound (cajon, frame drum, darbuka), the folk songs and festive songs on the album were enriched with zither, Irish bouzouki, guitar, flute, flute and piano. speech.

The special feature of the album is that the girls, moving away from the previous a cappella concept, took up instruments, and in addition to the usual percussive sound (cajon, frame drum, darbuka), the folk songs and festive songs on the album were enriched with zither, Irish bouzouki, guitar, flute, flute and piano. speech.

Hopefully, it will accompany the celebration of many for many years, and regardless of religion or denomination, it will remind us of what this period was originally about, helping us to connect personally with these universal human values - thus making this record eternal.

The concert starts at 19:00 and participation in the program is free!


October 13. – 6pm // RESTAURANT EGALITAS


Din cauze organizatorice se reprogrameaza eventul pentru data de

OCTOBER 13, 2023, time 18:00!!

start: 18:00

Please register using this form:
Please register using this form:

– scone / pogăcele
– Veal stroganoff tenderloin with laskak pasta / můsų de vițel stroganoff cu Đăței
– dessert: fruit cake / tort cu fructe

Our project motto:
"Helping each other is one of the strongest bonds that holds a community together. All the support that goes to our fellow human beings serves society as a whole. "
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, member of the board of trustees)

The project is a seasonal restaurant run by the target group with the help of a head chef and a professional mentor. This restaurant is the only place in Oradea where young adults with several disabilities, eg Down syndrome cook and serve.
For those who are open to meeting the "hosts" of the project, people with disabilities will be able to see the faces and destinies behind the abstract concepts.

To the announced dates, please make your table reservation before joining the program.
Registration and table reservation are required for the specified times. Groups that book accommodation in the guest house can request the services of Restaurant Egalitas based on forecast and consultation.

The motto of our project:
”A oferi ajutor este unul din lianții cei mai powerconi care Șțţă înăți o comunitate. Orice ajutor directciona spre semenii nţa, servește tête società.”
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, member curator)
Proiectul este un restaurant temporar, condus de grup beneficiar cu autrem unui bucătar chef și al unui mentor profesionist. Cei care sunt deschiși să se familiarizeze cu “gazdele” projektu vor fi surprinși să meetuească chipurile și să cunoască poveștile unice din spatele conceptelor abstracte.
For the dates announced, please register and reserve your meal in advance. Grupurile care reserve cazare în pensiune pot solicita servilisi Restaurantului Egalitas pe baza unei consultații cu orgqanizatorul programam.

Adults with special needs - disabled - cook and serve. Our motto:
"Helping is one of the strongest ties that hold a community together. All support that is aimed at our fellow human beings serves society as a whole."
(Gyula Zsugán G. Hidber, Posticum, board member)
The project is a temporary restaurant. For those who are open to meeting the "hosts" of the project, the disabled become visible, faces and destinies appear behind the abstract concepts.
Registration and table reservation are required for the specified times. Groups who book accommodation in the guest house can request the services of Egalitas Vendéglő based on a forecast and consultation.

October 01. – 5pm // Concert Cameral

Duminică, 1 October 2023, time 17:00

Andreea Emanuela Tinca (piano)   & Paula Gherasim (Violin)


L.v. Beethoven, Sonata pentru pian opus 109
J. Brahms, Sonata pentru vioara si pian nr 2, in a major, opus 100
Fr. Liszt, Studiul Transcendental pentru pian "Chasse - Neige", no. 12
S. Prokofiev, Sonata no. 6, pentru pian, parta a 4a

Intrarea liberă!

Andreea Emanuela Tinca graduated from the Academiei Naționale de Muzică “Gheorghe Dima” in Cluj, where she studied piano, and from the Universității Naționale de Muzică București, where she graduated from the Master (pian). A participat la concursuri nationales si internationale, fiind laureată a Concursului Internationale de Pian "Pro Piano-România", ediția 2021, și a Concursului Internationale de Muzică Moscova, ediția 2021. The recitals supported in București, Cluj, Satu Mare, Oradea, Timișoara , Tecuci, Arad, Lugoj, Reșița, Partoș, Carei, Sinaia, Câmpina, Szeged, etc. In 2015, he received a scholarship from the "Musik und Kunst Privat Universität der Stadt" in Vienna, la clasa profesorului Karl Barth. But also, avut apariții în emisiuni TV și Radio. In prezent urmeaza un doctorate in muzica.

Violinist Paula Gherasim is a graduate of the Universității Nationale de Muzică București and currently holds a doctorate in the Școlii Doctorale de Muzică din Timișoara, being a member of the Filarmonici de Stat Sibiu. A participat la concerte în Italia, Grecia, Germania, Slovakia și Bulgaria și avut occacia de a performa adănău de dirijori precum Cristian Mandeal, Alessandro Crudele, David Crescenzi, etc.

We wait for you!

September 30. – 3pm // FACE TO FACE – »Where to, Noah, for humanity?«

Saturday September 30, 3pm

"Where to, Noa, for humanity?"

Who are we? Do we have a responsibility in this uncertain time? Like Noah, Posticum is looking for possible answers.
Brainstorming for the association Posticum.

"Wohin, Noa, für die Menschheit?"
Wer sind wir? Welche sind unsere Aufgaben in diesen turbulenten Zeiten? Posticum sucht – genau wie die Arche Noah – mögliche Answeren.
Diskussionsrunde, Ideenbörse für das Posticum.

"Where, Noah, for mankind?"
Who are we? Do we have a responsibility in this uncertain time? Like Noah, Posticum is looking for possible answers.
discussion, brainstorming in/for the Posticum.

“In ce directie acum, Noa, pentru omenire?
Cine suntem noi? Avem o responsabilità în être în estără incertă? La fel ca Noe, Posticum caută posibilie anponsuri.
Discussion, brainstorming for Posticum.

September 24. – 7pm // Platon Karataev duo

Platon Karataev duo

Named after a Leo Tolstoy character, was formed in 2016. With their music, the Hungarian indie quartet wanders around the core of existence, seeking answers through paradoxes, contemplating on questions by observing elements on an atomic level or viewing them from an astronomical perspective. After For Her's (2017) instant success the band gradually moved away from their acoustic sound to a broader one. Atoms (2020), with a heavier instrumentation, focuses on speaking about the most universal but on the most personal level with catharsis being a key element of the album.

This time, the songs will be performed as a duo, with songs from the new album alongside previous compositions, and a glimpse of the fourth album in the making.

start: 19:00 // free entry!!

register HERE!


Monday, August 14. 2023, at Posticums aula magna: 6pm

Recital night: ANDREEA TINCA

Graduate of the National Academy of Music "Gh. Dima" from Cluj and the National University of Music from Bucharest, pianist Andreea Tinca gave numerous solo and chamber recitals in most cities of the country. In 2015, she was admitted to "Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt" in Vienna, in the class of Prof. Karl Barth, through a scholarship. She also made recordings in TV and Radio shows.

admission is free, see you monday evening!