03. of June // Ping Cha Chinese tea ceremony


The Zen Hostel invites every tea lover for a Ping Cha tea ceremony, which is a traditional ceremony in China. Ping cha is the ceremony that is needed for communication, business meetings and often for meditation. If you want to see and plunge into the atmosphere of one of the traditional activities of China, you are welcome to the teahouse of Posticum. The event is free, we are happy to receive donations. Program starts at 11 am.


The Zen Hostel cordially invites all tea lovers to a Ping Cha tea ceremony, a traditional ceremony in China. Ping cha is a ritual for communication, business meetings and often meditation. If you want to see and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of China's traditional activities, we look forward to welcoming you to the Posticum tea house. Participation is free, donations are welcome. The show starts at 11 am.


The Zen Hostel invites you on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. to celebrate the Ping Cha ceremony, which is a traditional ceremony in China. Ping Cha este un ritual used pentru comunicarie, sâtres de afaceri și often meditație. If you want to lead and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of the traditional activities of China, we are waiting for you at la ceainăria Posticum. Participarea este gratuta, donaciile sunt binevenite.

27. of May // Ping Cha Chinese tea ceremony


The Zen Hostel invites every tea lover for a Ping Cha tea ceremony, which is a traditional ceremony in China. Ping cha is the ceremony that is needed for communication, business meetings and often for meditation. If you want to see and plunge into the atmosphere of one of the traditional activities of China, you are welcome to the teahouse of Posticum. The event is free, we are happy to receive donations.


The Zen Hostel cordially invites all tea lovers to a Ping Cha tea ceremony, a traditional ceremony in China. Ping cha is a ritual for communication, business meetings and often meditation. If you want to see and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of China's traditional activities, we look forward to welcoming you to the Posticum tea house. Participation is free, donations are welcome.


The Zen Hostel invites you on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. to celebrate the Ping Cha ceremony, which is a traditional ceremony in China. Ping Cha este un ritual used pentru comunicarie, sâtres de afaceri și often meditație. If you want to lead and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of the traditional activities of China, we are waiting for you at la ceainăria Posticum. Participarea este gratuta, donaciile sunt binevenite.

17. of May // Forum Theater Workshop // :ALIEN:

You don't have to be an actor to have an active and thoughtful experience with theater.
At our forum-theatre workshop, all the participants are actors and spectators simultaneously.
So everyone interested in playing and thinking together is welcome!
This time we'll explore what it means to be an alien!
Please register at monk.bistro@gmail.com so we can prepare enough finger-food for after the workshop!
See you soon!!

You don't have to be an actor to have active and thoughtful theater experience.
On our forum-teatralniy maisternі all participants are actors and viewers at the same time.
So please kindly ask all those who want to play and think together!
This time, we know what it means to be an alien!
Please register for the address monk.bistro@gmail.comобы ми могли программы программы выший їжи псили семинару!
Until meeting!!

Nu trebuie să fii actor pentru a avea o avesa activiva și atentă cu teatrul.
La atelierul nostru FORUM-THEATER, all participants are actors and spectators simultaneously.
Toți care sunt interesați să playa și să sărătească întrei sunt bineveniți!
De data aestja vom explora ce means să fii necnoxuno!
Please register here monk.bistro@gmail.com ca să putem preparagi o gustare pentru după program!
We are waiting for you!!
You don't have to be an actor to have an active and thoughtful theater experience.
In our forum theater workshop, every participant is both an actor and a spectator.
We welcome everyone who wants to play and think together!
This time we discover what it means to be a stranger!
Please register at monk.bistro@gmail.com by e-mail so that we can prepare a snack after the workshop!
We look forward to seeing you!!

18th of March, 16:00 – Dr. Attila Jakab: book launch // Lansare de carte

"Servește pacea și liniștea și seculăță părschiei"
Presa bisericeasca a Ungariei pe vremea legilor evreilor (1938-1942)
Opera prezentață este o nouvă variantă a unui tratat existent, acum transformat în monografie și extins printr-o culegere de texte, care analizează prezentarea în presă a celor cinci legi referitoare la evrei din period 1938-1942. Autorul evaluaeză eștă pariordo ca un eșec moral și pierdere a legitimitații al bîcherilor crîstiane din Ungaria, dână în regulățile limitative și privative de dreguri la adresa evreilor, nu a stârnit resistance din parta bărăcileror; în mare parte au fost de acord cu acestea, vrând-nevrând au luat parte la procesul prin care societeatea maghiară sa ”acordat pe frecvența” Holocaustului.
Prezentarea va fi compusa din doué blocuri a côte 15 minutes, în urma ambelor blocuri va avea loc un rezumat de 5 minute în română language.
Publicul va putea înainta sistemas both in the Maghiară language and in the Română language, autorul fiind născut în Transilvania.
"It serves the peace, tranquility and security of the country"
The Hungarian Church Press during the Anti-Jewish Laws (1938-1942)
Dr. Attila Jakab, historian at the Budapest Holocaust Memorial Center, examines the press representation of the five Jewish laws from 1938 to 1942.
The author evaluates the period as a complete moral bankruptcy and loss of credibility for the Christian churches in Hungary, since the restrictive regulations and deprivations of rights imposed on Jews did not provoke resistance from the church members; they broadly agreed with them, thus willingly or unwillingly contributing to Hungarian society becoming "attuned" to the Holocaust.
The presentation consists of 2 x 15-minute blocks in Hungarian, each followed by a 5-minute summary in Romanian.
The audience can ask questions in Romanian and Hungarian.
The speaker/author's study volume "Hungarian and Christian Country. Christian Denominations and Anti-Semitism in the Horthy Era" (Budapest: WJLF, 2021) is freely available:

March 16th, 6:00 PM – DISPLACEMENT – reading theater with Áron Dimény & writer-reader meeting with András Visky

“(…)We must strive to know and accept each other’s realities. This determination makes us human and these different spiritual reflections make us brothers and sisters.
The rest is silent silence and snow and death.” – András Visky
Áron Dimény will read aloud from András Visky's novel Kitelépítés, published by Jelenkor Publishing House, to those present in the Posticum living room, followed by an informal conversation with András Visky over a cup of fragrant tea. If it's cool, we'll light the fireplace and let it crackle.
Those who don't yet have the novel won't be left without a book: there will be a few copies available for purchase on site, but you can also bring your own book to have it signed.
Come into Posticum. This is also an opportunity to "get to know and accept each other's realities," to connect, to transform from an audience into a community, every now and then.

8th of October 2022., 14:00 – 19:00 Обийми – ДЕНЬ СІМ'Ї // Ukrainian FAMILY days

I: Dear friends!

We welcome all families or individual applicants who want to relax and have fun on the Oradeas island of peace, Posticum, during a loving afternoon with a playful and meaningful program.

The participants will be welcomed with a snack, and after the introductory games, everyone present, regardless of age, can take part in art, relaxation and music sessions.

The program is free and ends with a warm dinner!

Please register by September 30th 2022 by email: info@posticum.ro (Name, age, mobile number, subject: “familydays_oct 08”). We look forward to seeing you!

AU: Dear friends!

We welcome all families or individual applicants who want to relax and have fun on the island of peace in Oradea, Posticum, during a fun and interesting program.

The participants will be treated to refreshments, and after the introductory games, all those present, regardless of age, will be able to take part in art, relaxation and music classes.

The program is free and ends with a warm evening!

Please register until September 30, 2022 at the email address:

e-mail address: info@posticum.ro

(Ім'я, вик, номер мобильный телефону, тема: “familydays_oct 08”, in English, if possible).  We are waiting for you!

HU: Hugs – Ukrainian family day at Posticum. Please recommend it to Ukrainian children and families.

RO: Îmbrățișare – Ziua familiei ucrainene la Posticum. Please recommend it to children and families in Ukraine.

Please register by 30 September 2022 via e-mail: info@posticum.ro

(Nume, édida, toumar de telefon mobil, subiect: "familydays_oct 08").

Friday, September 30, 2022, 9 p.m.: Rolling Fairy Tale Pub

Our guests:

Erika Hajós, storyteller, storyteller 

John Bukovics, Great Peacock Award-winning storyteller from Paloc

Dr. Anikó Brugós, folk singer 


Book Rescuers Association, Oradea

Admission: 30 lei

To inquire, apply by phone, SMS or WhatsApp to the Association: 0721003851.

The program is part of the "The Tale is Forever!" Hungarian (folk)tale festival organized by the Book Rescuers Association, whose main goal is to promote tales, reading, and folk culture, as well as to cultivate and pass on our folk and cultural heritage.

