
Dinner at the Restaurant EQUALITY

Egalitas is a temporary restaurant organized by the Posticum cultural center, for young people with disabilities. They will prepare food and serve the dishes to the guests, while they are coordinated by qualified personnel.

Registration for the dinner can be made until June 06, 12 noon by filling this form:


Places are limited (max. 30 persons), booking is required!

*Recommended donation for the menu: 50 RON / pers

By donating for the menu, you support social integration activities of young people with various disabilities.

This project offers young people the chance to get to know the life of a restaurant's rules and prove that they can achieve much more than society thinks they are capable of.

The project is launched in partnership with ADOR (Asociația Down ORADEA) and Asociația Pentru Copii Și Tineri Cu Dizabilități Bonitas

The restaurant welcomes everyone who is interested in the substantial progress of these youngsters with special needs!

Enjoy your meal!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!


EGALITAS dinner at the Posticum

Egalitas, a temporary restaurant for young people with disabilities, organized by the Posticum cultural center. The young people prepare the food and serve the dishes to the guests, coordinated by qualified staff.

You can register for the dinner by 12 noon on June 6 by filling out the following form:


The number of places is limited (max. 30 people), reservation is required!

*Suggested contribution to the menu (donation): 50 lei

With its donation, it supports young people with special needs and the activities aimed at social integration organized for them.

The Egalitas Restaurant project offers young people the opportunity to get to know and learn the rules of a restaurant and to show how they thrive in this environment and that they can be full members of our society.

The project was created in cooperation with ADOR (Down Association ORADEA), the Bonitas Association of Children and Youth with Disabilities and the Posticum Association.

The restaurant welcomes everyone who is interested in the possibilities of social integration of young people with special educational needs.

If you have any questions, please contact us!

Enjoy your meal!



Cina la restaurantul EGALITAS

Egalitas este un restaurant temporar organizat de centrul cultural Posticum pentru tineri cu disabilități. Aceștia vor preparati amiştea și vor servi masa găsiştilor, în timp ce sunt coordonați de personal calificat.

Înscrierile la cină se pot face pêve pe 6 aprilie, ora 12:00, completând acest formular:


Locurile sunt limitate (max. 30 de persoane), reservarea este necesari!

* Donation recommended: 50 lei / person

Prin donație tumpățiți tinerii cu nevoi speciale şi acitivălele de integre socială organizate pentru ei.

Acest proiect offers teeniror șansa de a connocie regulile unui restaurant și de a demonstra că pot realiza mult mai mult geács crede societatea că sunt capabili.

Proiectul este launched in partnership with ADOR (Asociația Down ORADEA) and Asociația Pentru Copii și Tineri Cu Disabilitati Bonitas.

The restaurant is waiting for all care sunt interesați de progresul substantial al acestor youngeri cu nevoi speciale!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Enjoy your meal!

03. of June // Ping Cha Chinese tea ceremony


The Zen Hostel invites every tea lover for a Ping Cha tea ceremony, which is a traditional ceremony in China. Ping cha is the ceremony that is needed for communication, business meetings and often for meditation. If you want to see and plunge into the atmosphere of one of the traditional activities of China, you are welcome to the teahouse of Posticum. The event is free, we are happy to receive donations. Program starts at 11 am.


The Zen Hostel cordially invites all tea lovers to a Ping Cha tea ceremony, a traditional ceremony in China. Ping cha is a ritual for communication, business meetings and often meditation. If you want to see and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of China's traditional activities, we look forward to welcoming you to the Posticum tea house. Participation is free, donations are welcome. The show starts at 11 am.


The Zen Hostel invites you on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. to celebrate the Ping Cha ceremony, which is a traditional ceremony in China. Ping Cha este un ritual used pentru comunicarie, sâtres de afaceri și often meditație. If you want to lead and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of the traditional activities of China, we are waiting for you at la ceainăria Posticum. Participarea este gratuta, donaciile sunt binevenite.

27. of May // Ping Cha Chinese tea ceremony


The Zen Hostel invites every tea lover for a Ping Cha tea ceremony, which is a traditional ceremony in China. Ping cha is the ceremony that is needed for communication, business meetings and often for meditation. If you want to see and plunge into the atmosphere of one of the traditional activities of China, you are welcome to the teahouse of Posticum. The event is free, we are happy to receive donations.


The Zen Hostel cordially invites all tea lovers to a Ping Cha tea ceremony, a traditional ceremony in China. Ping cha is a ritual for communication, business meetings and often meditation. If you want to see and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of China's traditional activities, we look forward to welcoming you to the Posticum tea house. Participation is free, donations are welcome.


The Zen Hostel invites you on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. to celebrate the Ping Cha ceremony, which is a traditional ceremony in China. Ping Cha este un ritual used pentru comunicarie, sâtres de afaceri și often meditație. If you want to lead and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of the traditional activities of China, we are waiting for you at la ceainăria Posticum. Participarea este gratuta, donaciile sunt binevenite.

17. of May // Forum Theater Workshop // :ALIEN:

You don't have to be an actor to have an active and thoughtful experience with theater.
At our forum-theatre workshop, all the participants are actors and spectators simultaneously.
So everyone interested in playing and thinking together is welcome!
This time we'll explore what it means to be an alien!
Please register at monk.bistro@gmail.com so we can prepare enough finger-food for after the workshop!
See you soon!!

You don't have to be an actor to have active and thoughtful theater experience.
On our forum-teatralniy maisternі all participants are actors and viewers at the same time.
So please kindly ask all those who want to play and think together!
This time, we know what it means to be an alien!
Please register for the address monk.bistro@gmail.comобы ми могли программы программы выший їжи псили семинару!
Until meeting!!

Nu trebuie să fii actor pentru a avea o avesa activiva și atentă cu teatrul.
La atelierul nostru FORUM-THEATER, all participants are actors and spectators simultaneously.
Toți care sunt interesați să playa și să sărătească întrei sunt bineveniți!
De data aestja vom explora ce means să fii necnoxuno!
Please register here monk.bistro@gmail.com ca să putem preparagi o gustare pentru după program!
We are waiting for you!!
You don't have to be an actor to have an active and thoughtful theater experience.
In our forum theater workshop, every participant is both an actor and a spectator.
We welcome everyone who wants to play and think together!
This time we discover what it means to be a stranger!
Please register at monk.bistro@gmail.com by e-mail so that we can prepare a snack after the workshop!
We look forward to seeing you!!

27-31. of March – Ora et labora

Curățenie de primăvara la Posticum!
Așteptăm cu drag prieteni noi, și pe cei care revin la noi, care au mai participat la evenimente culturale, concerte sau vernisaje, și s-au simțit bine, s-au simțit ca acasă la Posticum.
Invităm pe cei care doresc, și pot să se alăture, chiar și pentru câteva ore, micii comunități care va ”ataca” sălile comune, geamurile, holurile, și pensiunea ZenHostel cu aspiratoare, mopuri, vopsea și pensule.
Curățenia generală se va realiza împreună cu grupul de meditație One Drop Zen.

Perioada: 27 – 31 martie
Planuri: curățenie generală în clădire și grădină, spălare geamuri, poate chiar și zugrăveala pe alocuri.
Vă rugăm să ne anunțați intenția Dvs. (E-mail: info@posticum.ro) zilnic:
* pentru dimineața 09:00 – 12:30 și/sau
* pentru după-amiaza: 15:00 – 18:00
Participarea posibilă la meditația Zen (dimineața și seara), începătorilor/celor interesați li se recomandă să participe la introducerea de seară, zilnic între orele 18:30 și 19:00.
Pentru întrebări nu ezitați să ne contactați! (tel: 0744504051)
We wait for you!

Tavaszi nagytakarítás a Posticumban!
Szeretettel várjuk a Posticum baráti körét, örömmel fogadjuk azok segítségét, akik vissza-vissza térnek egy-egy programra, eseményre, és magukénak érzik a Házat.
A nagytakarítást a One Drop Zen meditációs csoporttal közösen végezzük a Posticum közösségi termeiben és a vendégházban (Zen Hostel).

Időpont: március 27 – 31
Tervezett közös program: lomtalanítás, alapos takarítás, ablakmosás, esetenként festés/meszelés. 🙂
Jelentkezni (E-mail: info@posticum.ro) lehet naponta:
* délelőttre 09:00 – 12:30, és/vagy
* délutánra: 15:00 – 18:00
Lehetőség van zen meditációra (reggel és este), kezdőknek/érdeklődőknek ajánlott a részvétel az esti bevezetőn, naponta 18:30 – 19:00 óra között.

8th of October 2022., 14:00 – 19:00 Oбійми – ДЕНЬ СІМ’Ї // Ukrainian FAMILY days

I: Dear friends!

We welcome all families or individual applicants who want to relax and have fun on the Oradeas island of peace, Posticum, during a loving afternoon with a playful and meaningful program.

The participants will be welcomed with a snack, and after the introductory games, everyone present, regardless of age, can take part in art, relaxation and music sessions.

The program is free and ends with a warm dinner!

Please register by September 30th 2022 by email: info@posticum.ro (Name, age, mobile number, subject: “familydays_oct 08”). We look forward to seeing you!

AU: Дорогі друзі!

Ми вітаємо всіх сімей або індивідуальних заявників, які бажають відпочити та розважитися на острові спокою в Орадеа, Posticum, під час веселої та змістовної програми.

На учасників чекає частування, а після ознайомчих ігор усі присутні, незалежно від віку, зможуть взяти участь у мистецьких, релаксаційних та музичних заняттях.

Програма безкоштовна і завершується теплою вечерею!

Будь ласка, зареєструйтеся до 30 вересня 2022 року на електронну адресу:

електронна адреса: info@posticum.ro

(Ім’я, вік, номер мобільного телефону, тема: “familydays_oct 08”, англійською, якщо можливо).  Чекаємо на вас!

HU: Ölelés – ukrán családi nap a Posticumban. Kérünk, ajánljátok ukrán gyerekeknek, családoknak.

RO: Îmbrățișare – Ziua familiei ucrainene la Posticum. Vă rugăm să-l recomandați copiilor și familiilor ucrainene.

Vă rugăm să vă înregistrați până pe 30 septembrie 2022 prin e-mail: info@posticum.ro

(Nume, vârstă, număr de telefon mobil, subiect: „familydays_oct 08”).
