Dinner at the Restaurant EQUALITY
Egalitas is a temporary restaurant organized by the Posticum cultural center, for young people with disabilities. They will prepare food and serve the dishes to the guests, while they are coordinated by qualified personnel.
Registration for the dinner can be made until June 06, 12 noon by filling this form:
Places are limited (max. 30 persons), booking is required!
*Recommended donation for the menu: 50 RON / pers
By donating for the menu, you support social integration activities of young people with various disabilities.
This project offers young people the chance to get to know the life of a restaurant's rules and prove that they can achieve much more than society thinks they are capable of.
The project is launched in partnership with ADOR (Asociația Down ORADEA) and Asociația Pentru Copii Și Tineri Cu Dizabilități Bonitas
The restaurant welcomes everyone who is interested in the substantial progress of these youngsters with special needs!
Enjoy your meal!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!
EGALITAS dinner at the Posticum
Egalitas, a temporary restaurant for young people with disabilities, organized by the Posticum cultural center. The young people prepare the food and serve the dishes to the guests, coordinated by qualified staff.
You can register for the dinner by 12 noon on June 6 by filling out the following form:
The number of places is limited (max. 30 people), reservation is required!
*Suggested contribution to the menu (donation): 50 lei
With its donation, it supports young people with special needs and the activities aimed at social integration organized for them.
The Egalitas Restaurant project offers young people the opportunity to get to know and learn the rules of a restaurant and to show how they thrive in this environment and that they can be full members of our society.
The project was created in cooperation with ADOR (Down Association ORADEA), the Bonitas Association of Children and Youth with Disabilities and the Posticum Association.
The restaurant welcomes everyone who is interested in the possibilities of social integration of young people with special educational needs.
If you have any questions, please contact us!
Enjoy your meal!
Cina la restaurantul EGALITAS
Egalitas este un restaurant temporar organizat de centrul cultural Posticum pentru tineri cu disabilități. Aceștia vor preparati amiştea și vor servi masa găsiştilor, în timp ce sunt coordonați de personal calificat.
Înscrierile la cină se pot face pêve pe 6 aprilie, ora 12:00, completând acest formular:
Locurile sunt limitate (max. 30 de persoane), reservarea este necesari!
* Donation recommended: 50 lei / person
Prin donație tumpățiți tinerii cu nevoi speciale şi acitivălele de integre socială organizate pentru ei.
Acest proiect offers teeniror șansa de a connocie regulile unui restaurant și de a demonstra că pot realiza mult mai mult geács crede societatea că sunt capabili.
Proiectul este launched in partnership with ADOR (Asociația Down ORADEA) and Asociația Pentru Copii și Tineri Cu Disabilitati Bonitas.
The restaurant is waiting for all care sunt interesați de progresul substantial al acestor youngeri cu nevoi speciale!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!
Enjoy your meal!