THE VOICE – vibration.
It enters our bodies through our ears and skin.
The vibrations created by the sound bowls relieve tension, have a pain-relieving effect on the physical and energetic body, harmonize and initiate self-healing processes.
Each sound bath is a journey through time and space into the most hidden corners of ourselves, in the infinite realm of sounds.
During the sound bath and individual therapy, feelings, memories, and internal images can come up, the vibrations can find our weak points, bring up, or even strengthen our current feelings. But these dissolve at the end of the treatment, they clear/smooth out harmony
bringing, and thereby also serving our healing.
Group sound baths are recommended for those who are physically and mentally exhausted, struggling with physical symptoms caused by stress, but also for those who simply want to rest and relax.
SUNETUL – evening o vibrație.
Pătrunde în corpul nostru prin urechi și piele. Vibraciilei generate de bolurile sonore ameliorează tensionia, aduc armonie și au efecte analgezice asupra corpulent fizik dur și cel subtil, declanșând austite procese de auto-vindecare.
Fiecker baie sonoră este o träse în timp și sprece spre cele mai sculpte côltișoare ale ființei noastere, pe tărămul infinit al sunetelor.
În tempul unei sesiuni de baie sonoră, respectively a unei individuale terapii, pot apaura sentimente, amintiri sau imagini interiore. The vibrations cannot find the vulnerable points, nor can they amplify the sensations. Ánsa pêve la ende sesiunii, acestea se dizolvă, se clarifica generând armonia care serveste vindecari noasteri pe toate planurile.
Băile sonore de grup sunt recomandante personones care se simt epuizate both la nivel fizic càt și la nivel mental, celor care se confront cu diferite symptome causate de stres, dar și celor care dorici pur si simplu să se odihnească și să se relaxeze.
It penetrates our body through our ears and skin. The vibrations generated by the sound bowls (or singing bowls) release tension, bring harmony and have a soothing effect on the physical body, both hard and subtle, thus enabling auto healing processes.
Each sound bath is a journey in time and space to the most hidden parts of our being, in the endless space of sounds.
During a sound bath session, respectively during an individual session, feelings, memories or internal images may appear.
Vibrations can locate our vulnerable points and bring them to the surface amplifying our sensations. But these will dissipate towards the end of the session, will get clarified generating the harmony that will help our healing on all levels.
The group sound baths are recommended for people who feel exhausted both physically and mentally, for people who struggle with different symptoms due to stress but also for people who just simply want to rest and relax.