Zen is a practice and a tool. Zen is a means of changing our consciousness and our fulfillment. By practicing Zen, we get rid of the confusion of our thoughts, the restlessness, the constant buzz that burdens our consciousness. Although Buddhism preserved this ancient practice in its purest form, Zen is not a religion. Zen is a practical path, a method that transcends all classification.

Victor Pari has been practicing Zen meditation for more than eight years. Member of the One Drop Zen group in Hungary. He arrived at Posticum in 2021 and had an important role, when Imre Rencsik, the founder of the house, reorganized the hospitality with Niklaus Brantschen, a Swiss Jesuit monk, and started the Zen Hostel. Zen Hostel is run by Posticum and the One Drop Zen community. Every day in the morning and in the evening between 7 and 8:30 Viktor leads a Zen meditation in the house. Those interested can contact him in person, and he will give an introduction to beginners.

István "Taikyo" Running is the leader of the Hungarian One Drop Zen Community, and is a student of Zen master Taigen Shodo Harada. Béla Balázs award-winning feature film cameraman and director, previously taught at Budapest Metropolitan University. It was István Szaladják "Taikyo" who brought Zen to the Posticum. Our artistic and spiritual advisor, our friend.

Taigen Shodo Harada Roshi is a Japanese Zen master and the leading master of the international sangha (Zen community) of One Drop Zen. His students have founded many One Drop communities around the world, which are in constant contact with him. Practitioners regularly visit Japan to further deepen their knowledge and experience at the Harada roshi monastery.
Since 2016, the roshi (ie master) has been regularly visiting and holding sesshin (retreats) at the Posticum.


Zen is a practical path
Viktor Párí leads Zen meditation every morning and evening between 7 and 8:30 a.m. Those interested can apply in person, and he gives an introduction for beginners.

Zen – the way of practice
In each dimineață și seară entre orele 7 și 8:30, Viktor Pari conduce meditația Zen. Cei interesați îl pot contacta personal, iar el va oferi o introducere ccepătiloril.

27-31. of March - Ora et labora

Curățenie de primavara la Posticum!
Așteptăm cu drag priveni noi, și pe cei care revin la noi, care au mai participat la eventues culturale, concerte sau vernisaje, și s-au süsit bine, s-au süsit ca home la Posticum.
Invitām pe cei care doric, și pot să se aximine, chiar și pentru échillet ore, micii commune care va ”ataca” sălile comune, geamurile, holurile, și pensiunea ZenHostel cu aspiratoare, mopuri, painta și pensule.
Curățenia generale se va realiza conjunto cu grupul de meditație One Drop Zen.

Period: March 27 – 31
Planuri: general cleaning in the building and garden, washing the windows, poate chiar și zugrăveala pe alocuri.
Please do not announce your intention. (E-mail: info@posticum.ro) daily:
* for the morning 09:00 – 12:30 și/sau
* pentru după-amiaza: 15:00 – 18:00
Participarea émpétà la meditația Zen (dimineața și seara), căpătorilorilor/celor interesați li se recommande șa participă la introducerea de seară, daily entre orele 18:30 şi 19:00.
Don't hesitate to contact me! (tel: 0744504051)
We wait for you!

Spring cleaning at Posticum!
We warmly welcome the circle of friends of Posticum, and we are happy to accept the help of those who return again and again for a program or event and feel that the House is theirs.
We are doing a major cleaning together with the One Drop Zen meditation group in the Posticum community rooms and the guesthouse (Zen Hostel).

Date: March 27 – 31
Planned joint program: trash removal, thorough cleaning, window washing, occasional painting/whitewashing. 🙂
You can apply (E-mail: info@posticum.ro) daily:
* in the morning 09:00 – 12:30, and/or
* for the afternoon: 15:00 – 18:00
There is an opportunity for Zen meditation (morning and evening), beginners/interested people are recommended to participate in the evening introduction, daily between 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM.

October 27 – November 1, 2022: Imago Photo Camp

"What do I need to achieve, master?"
– The state of renunciation of desire, without desiring this state.
"So the goal is to desire nothing?"
– No. The goal is to make nothingness desire you.

(Tamás Halmai: The Center of Emptiness)

Zen is the path of inner freedom, open to everyone. A path through which we are freed from the chaos of our thoughts, from the constant and disturbing buzz that burdens our consciousness. A path through which we can reach our deepest roots, find out where we came from, where we are going. In the practice of Zen, by quieting our consciousness, we receive answers to these questions, although this is an experiential answer that cannot be put into words.

Zazen is a seated meditation in which we focus on our breath. The essence of the practice is to transcend our personal views, all imposed ideas, and arrive at the foundation that is common to all of us. It is important to note that through Zen, we do not lose our individuality, merging into something unnameable, but rather find who we really are.

At this point, zazen meditation is connected to photography and becomes an important complement to daily creative work. In our photography camp, our goal will not be to find images, but to create an inner balance that allows the images to find us. To this end, we try to provide all theoretical and practical help through our personal experiences.

Location: Oradea / Posticum October 27 – November 1, 2022. (Thursday evening to Tuesday morning)

Participation fee (without accommodation): 60,000 HUF / 150 EUR

Further information and application: info@imagofototanfolyan.hu

We welcome those interested in photography, inner creation, and consciousness purification!

István 'Taikyo' Szaladják, cinematographer, director, Zen teacher and Zoltán Vancsó, photographer
