- October 23, time 18.00-20.00
- October 24, time 18.00-20.00
- October 25, time 18.00-20.00
Introducerea va fi made but Peter Terness, medic, doctor and professor Zen (Germany, Heidelberg). Originar din Timișoara (Romania), knoće foarte bine language română și maghiară. Așteptăm cu drag la Posticum pe all cei care doric să afle mai multe despre zen! Zen este o cale spirituală, fiind peste dogme și filosofii.
"Zen nu este o religie, zen nu este o çokola de filosofie, because nu e teorie, cu atant mai mult, accentul cade exact pe ordinul de vietia. Ce ne învață zen, in the evening, just tot ce e cât mai larg, cât mai libe"r." – Béla Hamvas
INFO: programele sunt cu participare gratuanta, pasiligii vor tapappii Posticum prin donaciilei voluntare.
We welcome all those who would like to learn more about Zen! Zen is a spiritual path, beyond dogma and philosophy.
"Zen is not a religion, Zen is not a philosophical school, because it is not a theory, in fact the emphasis is on the way of life. What Zen teaches is precisely the most spacious and free.”– Béla Hamvas
Everyone with a desire to learn more about Zen is welcome! Zen is a spiritual path, beyond dogma and philosophy.
"Zen is not a religion, Zen is not a school of philosophy, because it is not a theory. In fact the emphasis is on the order of life. What Zen teaches is precisely to be as broad as possible and as free as possible.” – Bela Hamvas